General Forms
Employee Leave Form
Application for Family Medical Leave
Paid sick leave and expanded family and medical leave under The Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA or Act)
Sick Leave Bank
A sick leave bank has been established for Hampton 2 Employees.
In order to be eligible to request leave days from the sick leave bank, an employee must meet all of the following criteria.
- Be employed by HCSD2 for a period of one (1) year.
- Have 12 days of accumulated sick leave.
- Contribute at least two days in order to be a contributing member of the bank; donating additional days are voluntary.
- Present certification from a
licensed treating physician that he/she is unable to work because of
illness or injury and the expected date of return to work.
- Suffer from an incapacitating/catastrophic personal illness beyond their control.
- Have been on sick leave for at
least 20 consecutive work days, have exhausted all paid leave and have
completed sick leave bank request form.
Sick Leave Bank Membership and Eligibility
Sick Leave Bank Application
Professional Development Leave
Please refer to your schools professional leave procedures for instructions on professional leave submission.
Professional Learning Request Form
Travel Request Form
Travel Requisition Form