Title I Annual Parent Meeting: Estill Elementary and Estill Middle School Title I Parent Night.pdf Title I Annual Parent Meeting PowerPoint: Annual Parent Meeting_PowerPoint_Title I 2017-2018 for 9.14.2017.pdf How are 2017-2018 Title I Funds Used?(Subject to SCDE approval): (see PowerPoint) HCSD2 Parent and Family Engagement Involvement Policy: HCSD2 Parent and Family Engagement Policy WEB COPY.pdf HCSD2 Parent Involvement Policy that shows area of change HCSD2 Parent Involvement Policy with Revisions.pdf Parents Right-to-Know: Parents Right to Know_WEB COPY.pdf If you would like to receive any of this information, please make a written request to Mrs. Conchita G. Bostick, Director of Administrative Services Post Office Box 1028 Estill, SC 29918 Parent/Family School-Student Compact: Estill Elementary School (School_Parent_Family Compact_Julia B Lee_WEBCOPY.pdf) (Spanish School_Parent_Family Compact_Julia B Lee_WEBCOPY.pdf) Estill Middle School (School_Parent_Family Compact_Shronda Taylor_WEBCOPY.pdf) (Spanish School_Parent_Family Compact_Shronda Taylor_WEBCOPY.pdf) Chain of Command Letter Organizational Chart, 101718.pdf Procedure for Parent Comments, Suggestions, and/or Questions